
Let's Get It On

Eeny, meeny, miny, MOE
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, MOE

My mother said
To pick the very best one
And you are it


About ChinoTrojan [.blogspot.com]

"I want you to tell all your friends about me.

- What are you?!"

I’m C H I N O T R O J A N

[insert photo]

No hackneyed snapshot of a guy at a sports bar posing with a libation alongside some stunning, obliging waitress whom he grossly overtipped, and for what? In fact, I scarcely take to the bottle, but a frosty pint of on tap served with a proper double pour (a rarity itself) has been known to whet my senses and coax an Irish jig out of your boy on seldom occasion.

ChinoTrojan will likely pass when you reach out with a double shot of Jäger at Mood on a poppin’ weekend along the Hollywood strip. Even so, I’m no party foul, and to evince my appreciation for the amicable gesture, I say "good look" and offer you this sober illustration. Here, here:

Ladies: If George Clooney and Brad Pitt are noted as “10’s” in your books, then score ChinoTrojan as a solid “1” – One that stretches the scale to 20.
Gents: Pray tell, why does this matter?

Truth be told, mirrors shatter when opposite my mug, so your guess is as good as mine.

Established from the outset, the unmistakable purpose of ChinoTrojan.blogspot.com is to serve as a Never Never Land canvas for a cheerful chap to color outside the lines of demarcation and to paint his boyish imagination with broad strokes of fancy. With a most humble heart, ChinoTrojan declares neither to be a Jack of All Trades nor a Master of Some. My web logs might not illuminate any online expressway to monetization, but it seeks to set you on the fast track to a wealth of smiles, cries, and disease-free fun. When posed with the legitimate inquiry of what I write about, I candidly reply, “I’m not sure.” ChinoTrojan just barks the plays at the line of scrimmage and forges down the field for six + two, so getcha popcorn ready.

The important thing to keep in mind about this website is that as you crave a little munch of ChinoTrojan.blogspot.com throughout odd hours of the night, peak hours at your jobs, and every waking moment in between, you will always enjoy 100% guilt-free gratification during consumption. Tear open a bag and share some with your chums, because these nutritious ramblings are analogous to servings of all-natural granola, providing enduring sustenance with only the choicest ingredients:

A delightful commingling of hearty clusters of prose and rhetoric, in balanced harmony with chipper nuggets of lighthearted humor, and sprinkled with wholesome seeds of jovial sarcasm, all punctiliously cultivated without synthetic inputs, to promote well-being and regularity throughout your excursions – It’s the blog that keeps on giving as you keep ticking.

I realize that you may not have learned much about yours truly here, but please understand that the identity of The Dark Knight must be somewhat cloaked in mystery with a top-to-toe leather bodysuit. Still, if ever distressed, just flash my calling card toward the moonlit heavens and ChinoTrojan will swiftly swoop down to your aid—only after holding my pose for the cool extreme wide shot, of course.

When your body is tired, exercise your mind. <~ This pithy maxim was actually plucked from a show on MTV. Yeah. Nonetheless, credit where it’s due (ref. "M*V*P!!! M*V*P!!! M*V*P!!! :two:"). Please visit ChinoTrojan.blogspot.com habitually and free your mind - the rest will follow.

*Shhhhhhh* The show is about to begin.

Please silence your cell phone.

Our feature presentation…

ChinoTrojan’s Pledge of Humility
I vow to never use the third-person singular pronoun "he" in self reference (barring any grammatical flaw), and you can count on that like a Chinaman does an abacus. Xie xie nin.